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One man and his dog

One man and his dog

Dave Bridges28 Nov 2018 - 17:59
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Glen Murray watches the V's vets in their 3-1 cup win over east Court

I wandered into the Withdean last Sunday to watch the last half hour of our Vets win over East Court, and the only other person in the stadium was a fit looking man with his whippet. I was surprised to see it was Glen Murray and you couldn't meet a nicer bloke. The lure of the noise of a football match had enticed him into his old stomping ground as he walked his dog. We chatted for a while and I suggested in 2 years time he will be the right age to join our vets team. He gave me a wry smile... but didn’t say no!

The Vet's won 3-1 and are now through to the cup quarter final. Big Stu scored a hatrick and Mr Murray was quite impressed with the football on display. Well I think he said impressed or did he say depressed? We can now say we have been watched by one man and his dog.

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