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Rugby Round Up  7th – 8th  March

Rugby Round Up 7th – 8th March

Michael Alfer12 Mar 2015 - 08:44
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All the latest Rugby news from the past week

In very poor conditions, which affected the U18 and U15 fixtures last weekend, Glen’s made heavy weather of putting points on the score sheet. Despite having by far the majority of possession and territory all they could manage in the first 30 minutes were two penalties by Thomson due to cold hands and greasy ball with a fairly stubborn Helensburgh defence to overcome. However two tries just before half time were the reward for persistence; one by Thomson following a push over scrum and another by Murrell again from a scrum five meters from the visitor’s line making the score 18 : 0.

It looked as if Glen’s had the game in their pocket but after the break Helensburgh came back into the game. The sides were on level terms throughout the second half but just before time a back move initiated by veteran Andy Johnston allowed Kirk to squeeze in at the corner for the home side . An excellent kick by Thomson added the extra points. Final Score: AGRFC 25 : 0 Helensburgh

An eclectic mix of styles, talents and ages saw Glens 2XV achieve a fine result on a water soaked park, at Lenzie. Some flowing rugby saw a selection of fine tries from Glens who were enthusiastically cheered on by the U18s who’s game was postponed. One try involved a move from Glen’s 22 with over 12 passes, including a loop from Andy Hughes, which had a frustrated Lenzie player left 40m off the pace screaming to the referee, “Surely there must have been at least a forward pass there”, in a plea for leniency.

A special mention to Graeme Watt for his “try from a prop” which he alone nominated and then himself judged and declared was the score of the game. Final Score: Lenzie 10 : 39 AGRFC.

Another special mention to those from the U18 squad who helped ready the pitch for the 1XV game to go ahead after last Saturday’s persistent rain. Their efforts were suitably rewarded by Anne’s outstanding brunch which was also enjoyed by a number of the regulars at the club.

U16 Glenzie, lost to Ayr in the West U16 Cup 43 : 7

Further reading