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2019/20 Membership fee's are now due

2019/20 Membership fee's are now due

Gary McPhail30 Aug 2019 - 10:12
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Membership Fee's now due for the forthcoming season

ARFC Membership for 2019-20 is now due.

This year's Membership costs are as follows:-

Life Membership £600 (inc VAT)
Family Membership* £96 (or £84 if paid in full before 1st October**) (inc VAT)
Full Playing Membership £60 (or £50 if paid in full before 1st October**) (no VAT)
Full Non-Playing Membership £48 (inc VAT)
Full Playing Student £25 (or £20 if paid in full before 1st October**) (no VAT)
Associate (Individual) £18 (inc VAT)
Associate (Club) £60 (inc VAT)
Junior Playing £20 (or £15 if paid in full before 1st October**) (no VAT)
Under 18 £20 (or £15 if paid in full before 1st October**) (no VAT)
Mini Membership £5 (no VAT)
Additional Gym Membership*** £5 per month per person (inc VAT) (To be paid monthly by Standing Order only)
*Family membership includes partner and all children under 18 years old.
**No discount for monthly payments

***Please note that Gym membership can no longer be paid annually. It can now only be paid monthly by standing order and is available to all (over-18) Full (playing & non-playing), Student, Life or Family members for an additional £5 per month per person (inc VAT).
NB. A Full (playing or non-playing), Student, Life or Family Membership has to be paid before, or at the same time as, a Gym Membership is purchased.

All our players (junior and senior) will have access to the new gym during supervised training sessions but having the additional gym membership will allow 24hr access to the gym to any full (playing or non-playing), student, life or family member aged 18 years or over.

Please fill out the attached form (which can be returned to me by email) and arrange payment as soon as possible by:-

- BACS or Standing Order (see form for details) Preferred method - please use this where possible
- Cheque payable to ARFC to be posted or handed to Derek at his address on the form.
- Cash to be handed to Derek or dropped off at his address - please ensure a completed form is enclosed with any cash.

If you've already paid, or are continuing to pay by standing order, thanks, your support for the club is greatly appreciated. But please adjust your payments to take into account any price rises due to the VAT.

If any of your personal details change, please complete a new form and email it to me.


Derek Brydie
ARFC Membership Secretary

mob: 07762 808352


ARFC Membership Form 2019/20

Further reading