
Nearest Railway Stations
Ashton-under-Lyne Station (0.8 miles from ground - Train service direct from Manchester Victoria and Huddersfield stations).
Stalybridge Station (1.7 miles)

Please check with train operators for exact timings

Nearest Bus Station
Ashton-under-Lyne (opposite Ashton train station) - Bus service to ground via numbers 331, 333 or 393 (regular services).
Metrolink Service available to Ashton Bus Station
Approx 10 minutes journey time by bus to Hurst Cross.

Please check with bus operators for exact timings
Nearest Motorway Junction; M60, Junction 23.

Enter OL6 8DY for full route plan at http://www.theaa.com/travelwatch/planner_main.jsp

Have a safe journey!

Please note - links to external websites are provided for your convenience. Ashton United AFC Ltd. cannot be responsible for the accuracy of content on these sites.