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ENGLAND RUGBY Grand Draw 2015/16

ENGLAND RUGBY Grand Draw 2015/16

Grant Britton26 Nov 2015 - 09:34
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Prizes to be won!

Avonmouth OBRFC have decided to participate in the England Rugby Grand Draw 2015/16 which will take place on 7th April, 2016.

This activity is a simple & risk free way to raise funds for the club! The club receives 90% from ticket sales as a Tax Free Donation so this would be a tremendous boost to club funds. This is also an excellent opportunity for our club to raise awareness of the game and benefit from raising funds through the England Rugby Grand Draw.

Tickets cost £1 each and there are 5 tickets per book.

Prizes are very generously donated by many of Englands’ Rugby’s sponsors and service or product providers. There are 35 prizes to be won, the first prize being £10,000!

A proven way to succeed in this activity is to appoint ONE PERSON to co-ordinate and run the Draw. The coordinator for our club is Debbie Bees who is one of the Junior Committee Fund RaiserCoordinators. Debbie is in the process of organising & distributing books to sell to both Senior & Junior sections of the club. Please feel free to approach Debbie if you require additional books to sell.

Lets’ all pull together as a club & encourage our extended network of family, friends & work colleagues etc. to take full advantage of this opportunity to raise funds for our club! There are usually lots of events in the season you can use as sales opportunities: lunches, mini festivals, dinners etc. so we should ensure we don’t miss any avenues for selling.

For awareness, children under the age of 16 cannot sell or be sold tickets, but parents and relatives are often top sellers!

If you require any additional information on the draw please contact Debbie direct (mobile number: 0792 0701491). There will be posters in the club displaying details of the draw & prizes and tickets will be available behind the bar.

The deadline for returning sold ticket stubs and money is Monday, 7th March, 2016. If you would prefer to return ticket stubs and money earlier please see Debbie.

There will be a bottle of champagne awarded to the person who sells the most books!

Happy selling………

Paul & Nick (Junior Chair Team)

Further reading