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Improvements Aplenty

Improvements Aplenty

Grant Britton19 Aug 2015 - 09:29
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Summer DIY day's pay off...

This summer as any has seen some minor improvements at our barracks lane home. As any amateur club the off-season is a chance to tidy up, improve and modify the facilities for the coming season.
This year has seen a washing/dryer room installed (to save the chairman's washing machine at home), guttering replaced, a new storage container installed for pitch upkeep, the hand rails painted around the pitch, new picnic benches in the garden, air conditioning installed in the gym & the car park cleared/ extended to allow more space to park. All of these things would not be possible without the help of our committed volunteers all of whom dedicated a couple of hours over the summer to ensure these were completed.

A special mention to thank Phil Green of AvonDisplays who once again has come up trumps in supplying materials so that we could remove our donated shirt frames from the walls of the bottom bar and install them into the ceiling area. This has allowed us to free up the space needed to erect more of our clubs history onto the walls.
More improvements of our facilities are to follow before the start of the 2015/16 season, the bottom bar will see more memorabilia put up, the patio area will be cleared, an away dugout erected and our boiler room area cleared of old hoardings.

If any one is willing to lend a hand for a couple of hours please contact Ted Britton.

Further reading