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Pre-Season Plans & Coaching News

Pre-Season Plans & Coaching News

Mark Smith8 Jun 2018 - 19:07
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Update for all on preparations for the new season

I'm pleased to announce that pre-season training will commence on Thursday 28th June at 7p.m. for our senior male teams. All existing players are asked to attend and all new players will be welcome too. The first session will commence with a meeting at 7p.m. followed by a training session and we will re-commence training every Tuesday & Thursday from the following week (3rd July).

With the departure of Apple as senior lead coach the search for a replacement is ongoing but I'm delighted to say that Ed (Nozer) Norris has agreed to take on the interim lead coach role while we continue our search. Nozer is keen to get to work with the players from 28th June and asks that everyone makes all effort to attend and build on the great work from last season. I'm also pleased to say that we have some good news already on some new and returning players who have agreed to join us in pre-season and who we think will add to our already strong squad.

Our pre-season structure is as follows:

18th August - Halifax Vandals (a) - to include bus/mini bus (BBQ & few beers with the Vandals lads after)
25th August - TBC (either a friendly/joint training session with another local club or Yorkshire Shield)

The 1st league match of the season is the following week, 1st September, at home versus Leodiensians.

Also this pre-season we will appoint our new 1st XV captain so we will be observing and assessing prospective candidates during pre-season and urge anyone keen for this role to set their stall out during pre-season by the example they set to others.

So, plenty of planning & preparation has been taking place and I wanted to bring everyone up to date with where we are. I hope everyone is keen to get cracking again on the 28th June and throughout pre-season but if you have any questions in the meantime please text or call me on 07984 434040.



Further reading