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Barrow Island Awarded Sport England Grant

Barrow Island Awarded Sport England Grant

John Clegg29 Sep 2011 - 08:05
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We have been granted an award to level and install drainage to the main pitch.

If all goes to plan work will start towards the end of March 2012.

There are a lot of things to get sorted first, and because of the costs involved we will be looking for further sponsorship to help pay for our contribution, we will looking to add around £20,000 in various ways towards completing the work.

There is a possibility of press and T.V. coverage in the coming months, the Evening Mail, the Rugby League press and maybe Boots 'n' All will do a feature, we are working with the RFL to put these in place at the moment.

The rough plan at the moment is to, move the pitch away from the club house about 10m and extend down the slope towards Rating Lane, this will depend on levels and the amount of material available, but that is the rough plan, there are a lot of other things involved, this will give us a slightly wider and longer playing surface.

If you have any ideas for sponsorship or in how we want the final project to look they would be most welcome.

Further reading