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Rugby Force Success

Rugby Force Success

Dave Grey29 Jun 2014 - 08:22
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Photos now uploaded. Special thanks to Mel, Max, & Jim for their planning, organisation and hard work throughout. Message attached from Mel.

Community support day
I would like to express my thanks for all those who turned up for the community work day at the club, June 21st, a hot day, where everyone rolled up their sleeves and grafted to improve areas of the Rugby club.
The work force were well fed and served by the bar team, cooked breakfasts and drinks, unfortunately they also had to watch England get there coals put in by New Zealand.
The team worked for a full 6 hours to improve the following areas,
Front of the club is now cleared , with new planters built and installed, 2 ton of hard core and 11 ton of soil barrowed from the car park and spread. Plants scrounged from Blyth market and Ridley Park garden centre by Cath Cole, other trees and plants arrived from other members. The front required a further 3 ton of gravel this has since been delivered and spread.
Rear car park, grass cut and removed with a new section of car park created, this was extremely challenging, well done to those who stuck at the task and returned on the Sunday to complete the job.
Changing rooms were tidied up and rubbish removed with 3 skips being filled, along with a series of internal maintenance repairs.
Again thanks to all who contributed, the club is significantly improved because of the work put in, I would ask everyone to help going forward to keep one eye on the place, to ensure the facilities are not abused, and that any fly tipping is noted. If anyone has any skill to offer for help with maintenance of the building and grounds I would welcome their help, please let me know what and how you can help, and I will create a dictionary of support staff to allow me to keep the place in good order.
Mel Cole. 07563328716.
Further reading