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Berkshire Cup - Semi Final

Berkshire Cup - Semi Final

Ian Hallam20 Apr 2012 - 15:51
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The semi final of the Berkshire Cup will not take place this Sunday after all.

The semi final of the Berkshire Cup will not take place this Sunday after all. Our opponents Reading Abbey, are refusing to abide by a ruling from the Berkshire Competitions Committee that the match be played on Sunday. Abbey appealed to the Berkshire Executive Committee over playing in 22nd APril but their appeal failed.

The club has been attepmting to confirm the fixture all week but is was not until 4.00pm this afternoon (Friday) that Abbey advised that they would not be fielding a side this weekend against Bracknell.

The coaching staff are very disappointed by this as they and the players were looking to put on a good demonstration and victory as a stepping stone to playing Readingensians in the final.

The final is due to be played on 29th April so hopefully Berkshire will now take the necessary steps to throw Reading Abbey out of the cup and ensure the final happens on the due date.

Further reading