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Robbie Harcus, Broughton President (1993 - 95)

Robbie Harcus, Broughton President (1993 - 95)

Roz Galloway27 Aug 2014 - 10:19
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Service of remembrance - St Philip's Parish Church, Joppa, - Friday 29 August at 1.45pm. All friends are invited. Club ties to be worn.

We were sorry to hear of the death last week of Robbie Harcus, a former President of the Club (1993-95). Many will remember him as a hard running winger and an able administrator who contributed a great deal to the club. There will be a service of remembrance in St Philip's Parish Church, Joppa, on Friday 29 August at 1.45pm to which all friends are invited. Club ties to be worn if desired.
Further reading