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Aim for Eight Week 8 - Dual Winners Again for games 4th/5th October

Aim for Eight Week 8 - Dual Winners Again for games 4th/5th October

Andrew Cox9 Oct 2014 - 12:58
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The WEEK 8 joint winners of this season's Aim for Eight prediction competition are...

...CLIVE PRIEST & CRAIG ALLEN, on the 'tie-break' rule!

There were no fewer than FOUR entries that achieved a score of 6 correct results from 8 predictions this week, so it was down to the tie-break to determine a winner with 22 goals scored overall.

The winning entrants had a prediction of 22 goals on their entries, so they were obviously deemed the closest of the four & therefore both Clive & Craig share this week's prize money of £70.00, each receiving £35.00 for their £1 stake.

The JACKPOT prize however, will now increase to £225 for Week 9.

Week 9 ENTRY FORM with an International theme, is available for THIS weekend by clicking here.

Further reading