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Comittee meeting minutes 13/11/17

Comittee meeting minutes 13/11/17

Tom Scoble13 Nov 2017 - 15:49
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Comittee meeting minutes 13/11/17

Attendees: Tom Scoble, Cara Evans, Dave Floyd, Howard Pickett, Phil Circou, John Lingham

Numbers at training and games
- Due to our long injury list we will note who is injured and focus our efforts on availibility of those who could potentially play . - Cara

- Post weekly availibility polls for training. - Cara

- We will contact BASS earlier in the week to try and enable us to fulfil 2nd team fixtures. - Phil

- Buddy System - we will look at trying to implement a buddy system for training to - to be reviewed at next comittee meeting.

T-Shirts - 20th Anniversary
- Speak to Mike Ralph with regards to potential suppliers - Tom
- Cara to bring in her cricket t-shirt so that we can assess quality of t-shirt
- Phil to speak to his boss about who they use for their t-shirts

- Tony to continue as head coach with Simon to attend as guest coach when possible - John to speak to Simon

Paying members
- Tom to send John spreadsheet of paying membersm Dave to give access to John

More collaboration between players and comittee
- We will hold a monthly forum after a training on Thursday where players can speak to the comittee and ask any questions they may have.

More collaboration as a club
- Potentially invite minis players to be a mascot for the day, help put with running on the tee etc - Dave

- Send e-invite to old players to try and get them more involved with the club

Bibs and balls
- Tom to ask John R (kit sec) to order 20 adult bibs
- Pump up some new balls from the box in the cupboard

Social calendar
- Speak to Tim with regards to a social calendar - Tom

Further reading