Ladies 4th Team
Sat 08 Sep 2018
Wootton Bassett
Cirencester Hockey Club
Ladies 4th Team

Match Preview

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Match details

Match date

Sat 08 Sep 2018



Meet time



TRW @ 9:20 or Wootton Bassett School (SN4 7HG) @10:00
Please let Kate know where you will meet. Mobile is 07834258643.
All players (parents invited too!) are expected to stay on for teas. Apart from anything else it will help us to get to know one another.
Kit: Green shirts and socks
Teas @ The Cross Keys Pub, 136 High St, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon SN4 7AY).

Parking is available on the High Street, in the local Sainsbury's, (just off the High Street Borough Fields Shopping Centre, Wootton Bassett, Swindon SN4 7AX) or Iceland (on the High Street) unfortunately all of these charge. There is an hour's free parking at the new CoOp (144 High Street Wootton Bassett, Swindon SN4 7AB)
Team overview
Further reading