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‘Chwarae Teg’ ac ‘Off the Pitch’ CBDC

‘Chwarae Teg’ ac ‘Off the Pitch’ CBDC

Carwyn Jones12 Aug 2017 - 08:09
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‘FAW Fair Play’ and ‘Off the Pitch’.

Y penwythnos hwn, bydd Cymdeithas Bêl-droed Cymru (CBDC) yn hyrwyddo ei hymgyrchoedd Chwarae Teg ac Off the Pitch. Heddiw bydd eich tîm, yn ogystal â swyddogion y gêm, yn gwisgo crysau-t gyda logo ‘Chwarae Teg’ ac ‘Off the Pitch’ wrth gynhesu i fyny ac ysgwyd llaw i hyrwyddo’r neges Chwarae Teg. Rydym yn mawr obeithio y bydd eich clwb, yn ogystal â’r cefnogwyr, yn cofleidio’r neges Chwarae Teg ac yn parhau gyda’r gwaith gwych yr ydych eisoes wedi’i wneud dros y tymohrau diwethaf.

Nôd Côd Chwarae Teg yw codi proffil y neges Chwarae Teg drwy ysbrydoli chwaraewyr, clybiau, swyddogion a chefnogwyr i gynnal disgyblaeth dda ar y cae gan gynnwys cydymffurfio â Chyfreithiau’r Gêm, parchu gwrthwynebwyr, dyfarnwyr a hyrwyddo buddiannau pêl-droed. Er mwyn annog ymddygiad da, bydd CBDC yn cyhoeddi Tablau Disgyblaeth yn rheolaidd ar gyfer pob un o’r Cynghreiriau Uniongyrchol Gysylltiedig drwy dudalen benodol ar wefan CBDC. Mae’r rheiny sydd ar frig pob tabl ar ddiwedd y tymor yn cael Gwobr Chwarae Teg a gwobr o £1000 i’w wario ar wella cyfleusterau eu clwb. Mae enillwyr blaenorol wedi buddsoddi’r arian mewn ailwampio ystafelloedd newydd, prynu offer newydd megis peli, bibiau, citiau a gwella’r cae.

Mae ymgyrch Off the Pitch y Gymdeithas hefyd yn cael ei chynrychioli yma heddiw ac yn anelu at addysgu ein holl randdeiliaid, gan gynnwys clybiau a chwaraewyr, am yr arfer gorau wrth ddefnyddio’r cyfryngau cymdeithasu. Mae Off the Pitch hefyd yma i atgoffa rhanddeiliaid sut y gall sylwadau ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasu adlewyrchu ar eu clwb neu’r gystadleuaeth y maent yn cymryd rhan ynddi ac yn rhoi cyngor i chwaraewyr a swyddogion clybiau megis trin eraill â pharch, bod yn y cyflwr meddyliol cywir wrth bostio neges ac ymddwyn yn gyfrifol yn gyffredinol wrth ddefnyddio pob math o gyfryngau cymdeithasu.

Mae ymgyrch Off the Pitch yn unigryw ymhlith Cymdeithasau Cenedlaethol Ewrop ac wedi cael ei ddefnyddio fel enghraifft o arfer gorau o ran hyrwyddo defnydd cadarnhaol o’r cyfryngau cymdeithasu gan UEFA. Mae tîm cyfryngau cymdeithasu CBDC yn edrych ymlaen at barhau i gydweithio â’u holl randdeiliaid dros y tymhorau nesaf.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am fentrau Gwobr Chwarae Teg ac Off the Pitch CBDC, ewch i’r adran Disgyblu ar wefan y Gymdeithas, botymau cyswllt ar wylod y tudalen hon.


‘FAW Fair Play’ and ‘Off the Pitch’.

This weekend the FAW will be promoting the FAW Fair Play and Off the Pitch campaigns. Today, both teams, as well as the match officials will be wearing patches with the FAW Fair Play logos on them and participating in the FAW Fair Play hand-shake to promote the Fair Play message. Each club has been given their own FAW Fair Play banner that will be displayed in the ground to further promote the message. We hope that your club, as well as you as supporters will embrace the Fair Play message and continue the good work your clubs have already done over past seasons.

The FAW Fair Play Code aims to raise the profile of the Fair Play message by inspiring players, clubs, officials and supporters to maintain good on-field discipline including abiding by the Laws of the Game, respecting opponents, referees and promoting the interests of football. To encourage good behaviour, the FAW will periodically publish Disciplinary Tables for each of the Directly-Affiliated Leagues via a dedicated page on the FAW website. Those topping each table at the end of the season are awarded a Fair Play Award and a prize of £1000 to be spent on improving facilities at your club. Previous winners of the Award have invested the money on an upgrade to dressing rooms, new equipment such as balls, bibs, kit and improving the pitch.

The FAW Off the Pitch campaign is also represented here today and aims to educate all of our stakeholders including clubs and players with regards best practice when using social media. Off the Pitch is also here to remind stakeholders how comments made via social media can reflect on their club or competition that they participate in and therefore, offers advice to players and club officials such as treating others with respect. Be in the right state of mind when posting and to generally act responsibly when using all forms of social media.

The Off the Pitch campaign is unique amongst National Associations within Europe and has been utilised as evidence of best practice with regards promoting the positive usage of social media by UEFA. The FAW social media team look forward to continuing to work together with all its stakeholders over the coming seasons.

For more information on the FAW Fair Play Award and Off the Pitch initiatives, please visit the Discipline section of the FAW website:

Further reading