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New Committee Voted In

New Committee Voted In

Michael Greensmith30 Jul 2014 - 20:09
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The new committee was voted in at this evenings AGM

Following tonight's AGM the new committee was voted in.
Chairman-Michael Greensmith
Vice Chair-Derrick McGuire
Secretary-Karen Gibbs
Treasurer- Steve Smith
Committee member-Heather McGuire
Committee member-Gary Walker
Following the election, the meeting was adjourned in order for the Chairman and Dave Horsley to attend the WARL AGM and an EGM has been scheduled for 28th August where the 2014/15 subs and other constitutional changes will be fixed.
Again all members are eligible to attend and vote at the EGM however as membership runs from the 1st of August to 31st July, members will need to renew their membership to vote, also anyone wanting to propose any constitution changes must inform the secretary by the 7th August, giving 21 days notice of any changes.
The club secretary can be emailed by sending to
Further reading