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Job Done - An end of season review - Dronfield Rugby Club 1st XV - Champions 2015/16

Job Done - An end of season review - Dronfield Rugby Club 1st XV - Champions 2015/16

Nick Scheinkonig9 May 2016 - 11:08
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by Head Coach - Selly

What a pleasure it is to be asked to pen a few words to some up the season.

1000's of collective hours of preparation from all parties has gone into this league championship wining season starting initially with pre season, which went well (losing to Derby in the cup was planned as we didn't want any distractions) and the prospect of playing our home fixtures on the best pitch in the league bar none!

The fixture list was kind with a home fixture against newly promoted Southwell then away to Spalding, recently relegated. Two wins. This gave the whole playing and management team huge encouragement. However, we knew sterner tests were to come and they did. But this squad had changed. They had learned how to win! They had learned how to manage games better! They could dictate the tempo of a match, they learned how to close out games. Blip! Notts Casuals before Christmas.

Would we have expected to be top at Christmas? Yes, why not!

Second half of the season again saw us see saw between top and never less than third. Loss to Glossop in the cup not a problem, the foot was on the accelerator for promotion!

Top wins against Bridgford, Melbourne, Casuals and Southwell, meant we were joint top! Wait! Who knows the regulations? Points difference? No. Results between top two? No. Most wins? Yes. It's us. We've only gone and blown the bloody doors off" and won it!

Well what does it mean?

Level six rugby! 26 league games, national cup competition and who knows what else? The planning is already underway. Retention of players is massive and recruitment is key. Players can expect to be challenged at all levels but with a package of incentives to motivate, hopefully the momentum of this season can be maintained.

I'm not one for living in the past. Let's celebrate and pat ourselves on the back, but not get carried away and look forward to what lies ahead.

To conclude and without singling any individuals out, could I personally thank everyone that has contributed in some way to the success of 2015/16 league championship winning season and I would like to think that I can count on you next season.

Have a great few weeks away from rugby and I'll be looking forward to seeing you at pre season 2016/17.


Further reading