ERFC Coaches Curry Night - The Club

ERFC Coaches Curry Night - The Club

Friday 6 October 2017
19:15 - 22:00
Stephen Snell
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On behalf of the Club we would like to invite all our Coaches, Team Admins/Managers to a Coaches Curry Evening to be held at the Club on Friday 6th October 2017, starting at 19:15.

A great opportunity to meet everyone throughout all sections of the Club, share information and generally catch up and have an extremely good Curry (provided by the Club and cooked especially for us by Jane) a few drinks, unfortunately you will need to buy these….

So Friday 6th October 2017 – At ERFC Club House meeting at 19:15.

Further reading
This is a past event
2 members attending
Mark de la Mare
Mark de la Mare
Nick Chambers
Nick Chambers