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New season upon us - President Peter Hagerty excited!

New season upon us - President Peter Hagerty excited!

Malcolm MacDonald25 Aug 2016 - 13:59
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New rugby season starts Saturday with 1st XV at Oban Lorne. Bus leaves 1015am from SC. President Peter Hagerty excited about new season

It takes a lot to get President Peter Hagerty excited (so I am told) but he is full of beans looking forward to the start of the new rugby season on Saturday.

EKRFC are desperate to get back in to the National Leagues after our season spluttered to a disappointing, and somewhat surprising, relegation last year, not helped by loads of injuries to key players.

While we still have a shed load of good players unavailable this weekend due to injury e.g. captain this year Ian Brown, lock Stewart Ferguson, centre Michael Dickson, Sparky Ellison, El Presidente is really looking forward to the season's opener at Oban Lorne.

And of course, last year's captain, Gareth Jones is still on the naughty step for his dismissal towards the end of last season

We can't quite remember when we last played Oban Lorne at 1st XV level - too many other things to do to check - but they are equally looking forward to the match, not least as their President is now the SRU Vice-President, following her election at Saturday's SRU AGM.

In two year's time, she will be the SRU's first lady President. History in the making. Congratulations to Dee (Bradbury) and good luck in the hot seats! And in the new season, dare I say after this Saturday's match!!

We have a change of main sponsor this year - Keith Inch and his company GCI have stepped down after seven excellent years of support, for which many, many thanks. Keith is continuing as a personal sponsor of the club, for which we are most grateful.

Our main sponsor this season is now D Marriott Plumbing & Heating [Darrin Marriott, by any other name]. Welcome Darrin and many thanks for your support.

We also thank all our continuing sponsors from last year - Gas Services Direct, Hi Lite Electrical, The Montgomerie Arms, Johnstone's Agricultural Services & Allied Electrical Suppliers.

Let's hope we get the season off to a flyer with a win. It will be tough but fingers crossed. Good luck to our new coach, Fraser Watt.

And good luck to the 2nd XV next week, when they start the season in Reserve West 2, away to Whitecraigs.

Further reading