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Training is on Sunday 17 April 2016

Training is on Sunday 17 April 2016

User 139026814 Apr 2016 - 21:03
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Training is on Sunday 17 April 2016

Training is on this Sunday, 17 April 2016, as normal, at the usual time, 10.30 start for P4-7 and 11 for younger ones.

Please arrive in time for a prompt start and ensure the kids have water and gum shields with them, and that they are dressed appropriately for the time of year, so they don't get cold. A change of clothes for afterwards might also be useful in case the kids get dirty and wet.

I will need volunteers to help out in the kitchen please. If you can help out please let me know.

I would also like to remind we are hosting a tournament on the morning of Saturday 30 April. This is part of our annual Stevie Bell memorial tournament, and we have teams from Alloa, Bannockburn, Queensferry and Waid attending. In total, mainly due to the numbers Alloa and Bannockburn are likely to be bringing with them, we expect around 90 kids to be attending this tournament. You will be an integral part of this tournament and it has been planned around you. It is important therefore that as many of you as possible able to attend and participate in this tournament.

If you have not already done so, can you please confirm to me as soon as possible whether you can attend or not, especially as it just over two weeks away and we are trying to finalise and confirm arrangements with the other teams.

If anyone has any questions about this please let me know.
I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.


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