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Forrester Rugby Club GDPR Fair Processing Notice

Forrester Rugby Club GDPR Fair Processing Notice

Paddy Bree21 May 2018 - 13:34
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GDPR Law Changes


Forrester Rugby Club securely holds membership and supplier data for the sole purpose of contact regarding matters related to the club. We have not and will not share any of your data with Third Parties without your express consent unless the law requires us to do so. We may share your data without your explicit consent within approved members of the executive club committee and their reporting groups only for the purposes of executing essential club business. Where you have given your voluntary consent to use your data for specific purposes, you can withdraw this at any time. We process your data for the purposes of club business in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (2018). We recognise the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) as our Supervisory Data Authority.

If you have any questions regarding this then please contact the Club Vice President at

Further reading