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Harrow RFC's Karen Stirrup wins Overall Individual Volunteer Award

Harrow RFC's Karen Stirrup wins Overall Individual Volunteer Award

Neil MacDonald20 Jun 2016 - 20:58
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Recognition for the club as Karen wins top Middlesex Rugby Volunteer Award

Team Manager of Harrow U11s Karen Stirrup has won the Middlesex Overall Individual Volunteer Award at the Middlesex Rugby Volunteer Appreciation Awards.

Karen was instrumental in getting local schools involved for our Rugby World Cup Trophy Tour at the club in September 2015 and has organised a thriving U11 squad throughout the season as well.

Her citation for the award says:

As with all our volunteers, our overall winner has shown great commitment, dedication and energy in helping the club thrive. Currently, acting as a team manager, our winner has set up links to introduce rugby to a local school and has arranged for Saracens to come in and coach the kids and teachers and present awards. Our winner was instrumental in the club being part of the Rugby World Cup Trophy Tour and organising the day, which involved over 640 children from 17 local schools, aged between 3 and 16, and having (according to the RWC team) the best organised venue of the tour. Most of the children had never experienced rugby before but went away with a memory of a lifetime, with all 640 having had their photo taken with the trophy, not bad for a two-hour timeslot!!! This enthusiasm for the sport has introduced new players, not only into the game, but also into the club to bolster the minis numbers while strengthening the connection with local schools.

This is a great reflection on the club and all the work our volunteers put in throughout the year.

Well done to Karen and thanks to everyone who helped at the club!

Further reading