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Want to make a Difference!!

Want to make a Difference!!

Paul Romney15 Jun 2018 - 12:50
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Extra match day Volunteers, Committee Members and Sponsors required

Want to make a Difference - Extra match day Volunteers, Committee Members and Sponsors required

We're on the look-out for extra match day volunteers to help out on Saturdays and mid-week - if that is you, or know someone that may be interested, please get in touch and/or forward, share, like!

The Committee has recognised that more help is required behind the scenes to meet the increased demands on a match day.

Looking for enthusiastic and energetic volunteers as we need more hands to carry out a range of match day tasks - in particular, match day set-up - including turnstile duties, putting out the nets and corner flags, selling programmes, assisting in the kitchen and Tea Hut, cleaning the changing rooms and more. No experience needed

You may feel you can add value in other ways as an active part of our Committee - if so, we would also love to hear from you.

There are a number of sponsorship opportunities that you can ‘be part of the team’ by supporting and being associated with the Brookies.

We would like to invite anyone who can give whatever spare time they may have to assist around the club, particularly on a Saturday. A passion for football is optional!

If you think you can make a difference, get in touch.

Further reading