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Summer tidy up!

Summer tidy up!

steve crook18 Jul 2020 - 14:37
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Bring your brushes!

??Summer Clean Up Day??

This Saturday (25th July) we will be holding a club summer clean up day in preparation for the start of the 2020/21 rugby season.

Many hands make light work,?so even if you can only spare 45 minutes, all help is appreciated. We would like people from across all sections of the club to come together to help improve our fantastic facility.

The day begins at 10:00am, but jobs will be available for as little or as much time as you can give all through the day. It’s a great way to support Hornsea’s local rugby club ahead of next season and help make The Hollis Recreation Ground an even more special place for everyone in Hornsea.

Jobs that need doing are:

Replace floodlights on the training pitch

Paint the rugby posts

Paints the spectator barriers

Paint the stand

Put up sponsor boards

Sort & tidy the container

General tidy up

Please bring your own brushes!

Volunteers will be rewarded with something to eat!

Please comment or reply if you can help.

Thank you in advance


Further reading