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Juniors get set for the season ahead

Juniors get set for the season ahead

Chris Partridge10 Jan 2017 - 07:19
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Indoor coaching for all juniors kicks off at the end of February half-term so book your places now.

With the dawn of the new year and the start of the outdoor cricket season now just 3 months away, Ipplepen coaches will be helping our young players to "tune up" their skills with indoor coaching at South Dartmoor Community College on Saturday mornings starting on Saturday 18th February.

From 9am to 10am each Saturday, there will be a general net session available for players who will be part of our Under 10 hardball, Under 11, Under 13 and Girls hardball teams. Players will get chance to bat and bowl in the nets and to get some top tips and advice from club coaches.

Then from 10am until 12noon there will be small group development sessions for any junior players (aged 13 to 18) who wish to develop their skills and participate in adult cricket matches this coming season. These sessions will work on a maximum "1 to 3" coach to player ratio and cover all areas of skill development including technique, physical skills and tactical understanding.

Anyone wishing to attend either of these sessions - including new players or those returning to the club after a break - are very welcome as long as they are comittes to joining Ipplepen CC as a player in 2017.

There is a small cost for the 9am - 10am session and a slightly higher cost for the 2 hour small group sessions, but all charges represent excellent value for the quality of coaching that will be received.

For full details and to book places, please contact Junior Chairman Andrew Maynard on or 07794 498 206

Further reading