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Oil painting commissioned for KRFC by Mark Forster

Oil painting commissioned for KRFC by Mark Forster

Gareth Whitehead15 Feb 2018 - 13:18
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Painting on way

Mark Forster a KRFC member who moved to Cornwall has decided to paint an oil painting for the club. We thank Mark for this and read his thoughts below

THE guys turning out for Keresley Rugby Football Club could never be described as oil paintings.
So why do I want to put them in one?
Simple question. Simple answer. My short stint on the periphery of Keresley RFC was very enjoyable. Having played rugby for 20 or so years before a break, I found the Burrow Hill Lane mob among the friendliest and welcoming.
So, as I returned to oil painting for the umpteenth time, I thought it would be a nice idea to put something together to be able to present to the club, which might find space on a wall, bathroom or otherwise. Or at least a decent bin.
On a serious note, I’ve made a few breakthroughs in my painting this time around. I’ve researched widely, read books, asked questions on artists’ forums and invested in top of the range oil paints and linen canvases.
Recently, I had two well-known (in the art world and that of art magazines) suggest I wasn’t as bad as I thought I was. So I was more confident in my idea of a Keresley painting. Ideas are great, but execution is everything. And being nearly 300 miles away isn’t easy.
I approached Chris Eaton, who gave it his seal of approval, and Darren Louth kindly took some pictures for me. I’d already got some snaps and video I’d taken which I thought I could put to use and started sketching and planning. Hopefully, I’ll keep everyone up to date with progress over the coming months.
Little did I know I’d ask for the Keresley oak, betwixt clubhouse and pitches, to be chopped down. Centuries of history gone in one, or a few dozen, fail swoops.
Because the oak split the picture in two.
That’s not good in terms of composition. I wanted a scrum or lineout scene, because Keresley has been a club known for its forward power. No disrespect to the backs – I played fly-half or full-back for most of my playing career – but it would also make the best ‘shape’ from an artistic perspective.
Besides, two of the flowing moves I’d photographed a couple of seasons back saw those wingers in drag, Tom Ray and Spencer Atkins, powering forward.
So I’m sketching, playing with ideas, drafting out a plan of action. I feel it’s important for the clubhouse to feature. I might well call in the experts from Warwickshire County Council to come and remove the tree, or simply erase it from history. Or maybe move it to the side of the painting.
Next is the challenge of style. How to paint? So many different styles to choose from. Classical? Abstract?
My effort won’t be as good as any of the above. I’m finding my own style, still learning about colour and suggest perspective and getting to grips with the handling abilities of the oils on my palette.
And I want to include the club, supporters donning the club blazer on the touchlines, clubhouse standing proud in the mid-distance…and, yes, all right, the oak tree. It’s a challenge. One I’m looking forward to immensely.

Further reading