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1st Xv v Old Boys Select

1st Xv v Old Boys Select

Ali McCall20 May 2014 - 12:20
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Sat 17th May 2014

Kilmarnock’s 1st XV ended the season with a match against an Old Boys Select as a token gesture for past captain Johnny Bradford sidelined by injury
and about to seek pastures green in the US of A.

The weather was overcast but the tempo was upbeat as the young guns of Kilmarnock playing with fourteen men faced up to the wealth of experience
of some weel kent faces.

The Old Boys or Reds kicked off and put Kilmarnock under pressure winning a penalty and forcing the young Turks into their twenty two area with
Gordon “Suede” Lawrie encountering Wilkie Farquhar at close quarters.
A steel by Kieran “Cheesy” Grant allowed the ball to be moved along the Kilmarnock backline with Ruaridh Cuthbertson opening the scoring,
the conversion from behind the posts to save time was made, 7-0 after five minutes.

From the restart Fergus Porter attacked up the blind side for the Reds, the backline moved the ball but a knock on gave a scrum to Kilmarnock and a clearance kick moved them upfield. Reds won the lineout and drove forward winning a scrum which Kilmarnock stole, the ball was picked up by
William “Wilkie”Farquhar who relesed Kyle Pearson, Sam Diamond collected passed to centre Andy Ferguson who raced in for the second try
which was or was not converted 12-0.

The Reds attacked from the restart and advanced thanks to a couple of penalties but gave away possession. Kilmarnock captain McKenzie Pearce in characteristic style took a tap penalty to keep the game moving with centre Graham Hunter breaking into the Reds 22. Winning their lineout the Reds
second row forward Cammy Muir broke upfield, a penalty was won with “Suede” making ground only to have his pass intercepted by
Dave “Hamish” Shrek” McLeod who was roared on by the crowd in a ten metre sprint. The game settled down with the Reds backline including Hawks man Tom Steven being shadowed by the Kilmarnock defence. Stephen “Kiddsy” Kidd linked with a slim Brian “Baby Hippo” Steven to mount an attack and the ball moved along the backline with players 8,10,12,13 inter passing, Greg “Monty” Montgomery finally passed to Steven Whittet who turned
on the gas to score, the conversion was made score 12-7 and the half time whistle was blown by Ex GHA referee Dougie Gilchrist.

A short break and the teams turned around for another thirty minutes of excitement.

Kilmarnock coach Gavin Blackburn donned his XXXL strip and took to the field replacing Graham Hunter who sported a head wound. The Old Boys must have had a Dextrosol lozenge in their half time drink as they opened the half at full tilt. Kiddsy took the restart kick, out to Tom Steven whoosh, 50 yards and a try was scored and converted 14-12 to the Reds. (or was it 14-14 ?)
The Reds won the restart, Whittet broke and passed to Iain “Spiersy” Spiers who promptly tripped amusing the home crowd.
Another tap penalty by McKenzie Pearce saw him kick and chase. A lineout to the Reds with a long throw to the tail which was picked up by Tom Steven who sauntered upfield and passed to Stephen Kidd who had a lung bursting run to score,
the conversion failed 24-12 leaving the Kilmarnock side a little shell shocked.

Prop forward Farquhar took the restart kick and the sides battled for possession with errors from both teams. A tap penalty again by McKenzie Pearce ended in a scrum to the Reds followed by some hectic action with Gareth Rowlands down injured and Hamish McLeod suffering a cut eye.
Down to thirteen players Kilmarnock engineered a try with Ruaridh Cuthbertson feeding speedster Andy Ferguson who raced in for a second try,
score 24-17 to the Reds.

The next Kilmarnock move saw Liam Nielsen field the ball and pass to the backline, Tom Steven readily robbed his opposite number passed to Fergus Porter onto Steven Whittet for another Reds try and surprisingly there was no conversion attempt from the touchline, the Reds now 29-17 in front.
Connor Turnbull came on to replace the bloody McLeod and from the restart Lawrie gave a pass to Montgomery and fed Brian “Baby Hippo” Steven who met XXXL gavin Blackburn head on which resulted in a Red scrum. Kilmarnock took one against the head, Sam Diamond ran at pace and should have kept running but cut inside and was held up. From the scrum Kilmarnock moved the ball to Kyle Pearson who was robbed, McKenzie Pearce instantly retrieved the ball and fed Wilkie Fraquhar who scored, no conversionattempt? 29-22 the Reds ahead.

The Reds restarted but the ball failed to cross the ten metre line, a scrum to Kilmarnock and the Reds were beginning to tire.
The Kilmarnock side moved upfield and Connor Turnbull from nowhere broke through the defence for a converted try 29-29 and all to play for.
From the resart kick Kilmarnock won the ball and Ruaridh Cuthbertson made ground linking with Pearson and Diamond with Andy Ferguson crossing the line once more for a try 36-29 with five minutes remaining.

Paul Johnston restarted and the Reds mounted a number of attacks however a penalty was conceded and inevitably Pearce tapped and fed Sam Diamond, his pass to Dave McGuire was forwarded to Johnny Logie and back to the prop forward who scored the final try which was converted.
Full time and the Kilmarnock side claimed victory 43 or 45-29.
Writer Bill Barnaby exchanged words with Dougie Gilchrist regarding the score, no you can’t settle for 44!

The players exchanged handshakes and had a touchline cordial before retiring to the clubhouse for some Bellsland camaraderie.

How long will it be before those Old Boys don the Maltese Cross strip again and play for Kilmarnock ?

In the early evening the Kilmarnock players held an awards ceremony with Andrew Paxton being named Young Player of the Year.
William Farquhar was awarded Most improved Player of the Year and Graham Hunter was named Player of the Year.
Johnny Bradford was presented with a farewell Quaich from the club and the celebrations continued into the small hours.

The Rugby season will be completed after the Mini Rugby Tournament on Sunday 1st June Kicking –off at midday.

Finally Kilmarnock President Robert Leslie issues a reminder for all club members that the KRFC Annual General Meeting will take place
in the clubhouse on Thursday 22nd May at 7.00pm

Further reading