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Bright New Season

Bright New Season

Tom Bennett12 Aug 2014 - 11:51
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First XV

The start of a bright new season is almost upon us with only a handful of training sessions left before we start putting the final touches to our starting XV, for the first competitive game against Inverleith on Saturday the 23rd August.

First up I would like to thank the guys who have attended pre-season training over the last 6 weeks with Craig McDade (sorry if I have miss spelled your name big guy) showing a great appetite for the session.

Over the period I have attempted to make the sessions enjoyable as well as making sure that everyone gets the benefit of fitness and improving their skills. This can sometimes be difficult when the numbers are low but we have stuck at it and I think there are a few guys who will definitely see the benefit over the coming season. The under 18's in particular have been very committed and I look forward to being able to include a number of them in the squad later in the season.

It is now time for us to start thinking" game plan" and working out "strategies". These are areas which can not be done five minutes before the start of a gam. In order to ensure that we are all on board we need everyone to commit some time over the next two weeks. So when you receive your text message from Gary can you please take a few seconds to let him know if you will or will not be attending training. This allows me to design the sessions to suit who actually trains.

So time to tell the wife and kids to fend for themselves and let your boss know that yes you do work hard but you also have a private life which involves you committing time to your other passion which is playing rugby.

This could be a special season but its entirely up to your commitment.
See you all at Training.

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