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A Message From Stan

A Message From Stan

John Barratt26 Apr 2015 - 08:40
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"I am very proud of you" - Sir Stan

Dear all

Just a line to offer my congratulations to You all, including the back room staff and all the squad on the seasons success. League Champions and two Cups. A wonderful achievement by all of you. I am sure you must be very happy and proud of your achievements in your first season. I haven ' t got Nick Chawner's e mail but I do include him in this congratulatory e-mail.

Very well done, Steve, John, Dan, Andrew , Sean, Julia, John B and Lee I am chuffed for you all, I sincerely hope you have all enjoyed this season, you have kept the Old Boys in existence and I am grateful for that, as you know, I started with the Old Boys in 1955 and have been involved with the Club since I was 16. A brilliant season, some super football played and also a big thank you to John Barratt for his work on the ground and the Club Website

Well done also to the Ladies who behind the scenes do a lot of good work not to mention the refreshments.

Thank you everyone, I am very proud of you and your massive efforts, no one knows better than I what is involved behind the scenes to make it all happen on a Saturday afternoon.


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