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Our Ladies are a Big Part of the Club say`s Chairman

Our Ladies are a Big Part of the Club say`s Chairman

John Barratt13 Oct 2014 - 12:35
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"The team spirit they have is fantastic and its great to see how they keep going and enjoy their football" - Chairman Steve Rutter.

As Chairman of the club I am delighted to see the progress the ladies team is making on and off the pitch. When we came into the club towards the end of last season the whole club needed sorting out. Steve couldn't continue running the ladies team due to work commitments and Matt kindly agreed to continue. We asked Phil to come and help Matt run the team and both of them have worked together superbly and I have been up to watch the ladies home games this season and the progress that has been made speaks volume for the work they have put in.
The team spirit they have is fantastic and its great to see how they keep going and enjoy their football no matter what the scoreline is.
Off the pitch we have had ladies volunteering to do the Treasurers and Secretary jobs and plenty of the team have said they will attend the Halloween Party the club is arranging which is great news and we are trying to make the Ladies team feel a big part of the club.
All is looking good and I am convinced the team will improve under Phil and Matts guidance and the results will improve in time but the main thing for me is the team feel part of the club and enjoy their football
Good Luck Ladies for the season.

Steve Rutter

Leek CSOB Chairman"

Further reading