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Under 14's lose in tight Cup game

Under 14's lose in tight Cup game

Tris Palser17 Nov 2014 - 06:19
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Under 14 Rustons S.S.C. Cup 2nd round

Sleaford Town. 2 Lincoln United. 1

The draw for this round of the cup had thrown up the most mouth watering tie of the round. With the current 2nd placed team in the Mid Lincs A league in Sleaford Town taking on the current 2nd place team in the B league Lincoln United.

A recent friendly between the two teams at this same venue had seen Sleaford victorious by 2 goals to 1. So all connected with both sides expected an evenly matched contest...

They were not to be disappointed.

The Whites only change to last weeks starting eleven was the return of Dennis to the right of midfield who came in for Manktellow who dropped to the bench. Banks was omitted from the squad to allow Gibson to return as the only other change.
Captain Keeley won the toss and decided to defend kicking in to the wind in the first half.

As expected Sleaford, buoyed by a series of heavy wins in the A league started well. Some interesting duals were developing as Sleaford's Dalziel tried to stamp his authority on the Whites middle trio of Keeley, Green and Wilkinson with some combative challenges.

The Whites lads were not laying down though and responded with some tough challenges of their own. Yet, with the aid of the wind Sleaford were beginning to play from just inside United's half, with the occasional Whites foray forward usually thwarted well before the hosts eighteen yard box was reached.

With Sleaford on the front foot the Whites back four of Clarke, Mitchell, Marsh and Hill were battling for everything. Literally laying their lives on the line to stop the ever present threat of the hosts. Wentworth in goal was picking up anything that leaked through as Sleaford pressed for the lead. Green limped off with Manktellow replacing him, Dennis moving to central midfield to try and combat Dalziel's threat.

Then Mitchell seemingly cleared a ball from the edge of the Whites 18. As play continued down the wing the referee blew his whistle. To everyone's surprise and to Mitchell's disappointment and obvious Chagrin. The referee Ruled that Mitchell had first kicked the Sleaford forward a split second before he connected with the ball to clear. Penalty!

Up stepped Dalziel who fired passed keeper Wentworth to put the hosts perhaps deservedly one up but in contentious circumstances sadly. Still, Sleaford pressed. The number 11 tried a few jinxing runs but the whole of Lincoln United from 1 to 11 were fighting to win everything.

Allen, starved of the ball looked United's best hope of breaking out from Sleaford's vice like grip on the game. Keeley put Manktellow into the right hand channel, but his chipped shot just floated over the bar recording United's first real shot at goal.

Then Allen did get at his full back. Getting to the bye line he fired his cross low and hard and into the on rushing path of Dennis who expertly steered the equaliser firmly into the net. 1-1.

The Whites were back in the game and you sensed a shift in the mood and tempo in their play. Sleaford still pressed with the pacy left winger looking threatening but not getting any change from the outstanding Clarke at right back. Then a high cross from the Sleaford right wing by Smart. Bounced deceptively high in front of keeper Wentworth and into the net to put Sleaford 2-1 ahead and to stun the visitors. Wentworth was clearly hurt by this goal but within a minute more than made up for his bad lack with a brilliant double save to keep the Whites in the game. The referee blew for half time to great applause from both sets of fans who were witnessing a 'top' contest.

Half time Sleaford Town 2 Lincoln United 1

The second half began as a mirror image of the first but with roles reversed. Keeley, Dennis and Wilkinson were now camped inside the Sleaford half with Dalziel shining for Sleaford in trying to stop them from creating that much needed opening for an equaliser. Allen and Manktellow were now playing as wingers in support of that warhorse at centre forward Arter for United.

Sleaford's back four were now putting their lives on the line for their team as the Whites attempted to manufacture a decisive opening. Sleaford's occasional foray into the Whites half saw a couple of long range shots well wide of goal as Sleaford ran up against a veritable Iron curtain in Clarke, Mitchell, Marsh and Hill in United's defence. Allen found himself unshackled on the edge of Sleaford's 18. He unleashed his shot which was well saved by the impressive Sleaford keeper.

The pressure was getting ever greater as the visitors pressed without a clear opportunity presenting itself. Then from a series of corners United saw their best chances in the game. One corner saw Arter rise to head towards goal only to see Sleaford's keeper claw the ball away to safety. Allen, Manktellow and Keeley were all thwarted by blocked tackles or deflections as the Whites laid siege to Sleaford's goal. Coaches Easton and Wilkinson decided to gamble all with Wilkinson being replaced by Green. Hill by Coates and then Clarke by goal sniffer Gibson.

The last ten minutes was a siege. Mitchell and Marsh were picking up any Sleaford clearances and lobbing balls dangerously back into the danger area. Keeley ,Green and Dennis pressed and pressed with Sleaford's defence gamely hacking clear or making some great last ditch tackles to deny the Whites. Keeley saw a free kick brilliantly saved by the Sleaford keeper.

Another corner again found Arter, whose header hit a Sleaford defender on the back with the resultant goal mouth scramble leading to another corner.

With United pressing for the equaliser the referee finally blew his whistle to end a fantastic football spectacle. Sleaford came out winners by 2-1. But nobody could deny how close their B league opponents had come to upsetting the apple cart. A controversial penalty and a freak bounce had thwarted the Whites ,as well as a charmed Sleaford goal and some resilient Sleaford defending.

Good luck to Sleaford in their cup quest.

Brilliant Whites we are all so proud of every one of you.
9 out of 10 for all!!!!!

Wentworth, Clarke, Hill, Marshall, Marsh, Dennis, Wilkinson, Keeley (capt), Green, Allen, Arter
Subs: Coates, Manktellow, Gibson

Scorer Dennis

Referee Chris Warren

Further reading