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Llandudno Offer Best Wishes To Academy Player James Quick

Llandudno Offer Best Wishes To Academy Player James Quick

Clive Rushton24 May 2017 - 06:25
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Our Under 13 Academy Forward Suffers Broken Leg In School Match

Thoughts this week go out to our academy forward James who broke his leg whilst practicing with his school last week.

James who has been with our academy squad for the last three years, has certainly improved his game since joining our academy, and was showing such good form at the end of the season.

Academy Director Clive Rushton whilst shocked at the news was positive about the future for his under 13 forward:

''There's never a good time to sustain an injury like this, but hopefully the summer period will enable James to recuperate, whilst receiving the right treatment and rest before beginning his rehabilitation programme. He's naturally a very fit boy, and I can see him healing pretty quickly.

For the academy he moves into the 11v11 game next season, and although he may miss the first few weeks, I think he'll soon be playing and back in the squad before very long. He was showing such good form through the later stages of the season and I've no doubt he'll carry on from where he left off when we get him back, hopefully during the September, October period.''

All his team mates wish James the very best on his road to recovery, and look forward to having him back playing as early in the new season as possible.

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