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Clubhouse project started - Newsletter 2

Clubhouse project started - Newsletter 2

Ceri Thomas21 Oct 2016 - 13:52
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Our new Clubhouse bar is under construction and great progress already images attached and update from club chairman, more images to follow

We informed you in our September newsletter that we were looking to start work on some improvements to the club house, starting with the bar area and the installation of a new central heating system, a raised seating area and bench seating. We're thrilled to tell you that work is now underway and will run over the next couple months. Unfortunately, we're not in a position to close down the club until all of the work is completed so please bear with us while work is undertaken - we're trying to cause as little disruption as possible.

Darren Crockett at Do Digital Realities has kindly supported us with some design and visualisation work so you can see what we're trying to achieve - we hope that it'll be somewhere that you'll be proud to call home for the next period while we explore possible opportunities for relocation.

We're already receiving some great support from members and sponsors of the club as we start this work but continue to need all of the help that we can get to complete the work quickly and for the lowest cost possible - if you'd like to get involved and you think that you have something to offer the project (time, skills, materials etc), please get in touch with a member of the committee, one of your coaches or even someone behind the bar.

Many Thanks

Chris Phillips
Chairman LFRFC

Further reading