1st XI
Suzie Taylor

Suzie Taylor

Goal Keeper
Looks like Suzie Taylor didn’t play this season


Age: 21
Squad number: 1
Time played at LLHC: 13 years
Goals scored this season: Thankfully I haven't scored any goals or own goals for that matter!
Hockey highlight: Playing for the firsts this season, I sometimes just stand in amazement at the talent the girls have!
Began playing: 9 years old
Hobbies outside of hockey: My "occupation" is really my hobby, I do a lot of youth work and I love every minute of it!
Hockey career goal: Winning is great, it's a great feeling, and I will always give everything on the pitch, but I'm okay with not winning too. I enjoy playing hockey and that's what's important. Lifting a trophy would be amazing, but as long as I continue to enjoy playing then I think I will be satisfied!
Advice for younger players: Hockey is fun and we're meant to enjoy it, try not to be disappointed when you loose, try your best in everything, if you do then no one can fault you! You are talented and if you keep trying and practising you will go far!

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