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Hannah Faulds7 Dec 2016 - 16:20
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With recent Rugby headlines again highlighting the awareness of head injury we again bring forward our news item as a reminder.

First published Sept 2015.

It's important not to forget the safety aspects of our sport. At Lutterworth RFC we have many dedicated volunteers and in particular those who stand on the side line in official capacities as coach, manager and first aid. Our officials are trained to spot the signs however it is important for all players, parents and spectators to be aware. Please take time to read through the information below and watch the video provided. Safety of our players is paramount to Lutterworth RFC.

As with all sports along with enjoyment comes risk. As some of you may have seen England RFU launched a campaign called 'Headcase' earlier in the year and it continues to be at the forefront. The aims; to ensure players, coaches and match officials are aware of concussion from the signs of to the actions needed to be taken. Follow the links below to the England Rugby website which provides information on prevention, recognition and management. Below is a little extract taken from information provided...

"How common is concussion in rugby?

It is hard to say how common concussion is as players often don’t admit to being concussed or there isn’t someone who can correctly diagnose concussion available at the time.

How common concussion is also varies depending on the level of play; studies in professional rugby have shown that it occurs at a rate of about 3.9 per 1000 player hours (i.e. one concussion in every six games among all the players involved) whereas studies at amateur adult level suggest that concussion occurs at a rate of about 1.2 per 1000 player hours (i.e. one in every 21 games)."

To read more please follow this link to the RFU article

Watch the Video

View the attached advice document. (All our first aiders have these cards to hand to parents and players should there be a suspected concussion)

Further reading