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EPOS Arrives at Grove Park *LIVE FROM 17th SEPT*

EPOS Arrives at Grove Park *LIVE FROM 17th SEPT* Jul 2015 - 08:59
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We are pleased to advise that we are about to install and introduce a EPOS system which will provide many benefits for the club and members.

Many of you will be familiar with such systems through other organisations but please take note of the explanation below which explains the system and how it will be introduced.

What is EPOS?

  • EPOS stands for Electronic Point of Sale. It is a bar till system that allows us to :
  • Process all sales
  • Accurately monitor all stockholding giving full reporting and analysis of stock movement
  • Highlight slow and fast moving product to allow for efficient purchasing
  • Accurately monitor margins

How will it affect me?
All members will receive an EPOS card (credit card size) which will be dual purpose
It will be your membership card
You will use it for making all purchases over the bar if you wish to pay members prices

How does it work?

You preload your EPOS card using either cash, cheque, credit or debit card and then it is simply swiped through the till when you make a purchase.
You can get an up to date balance reading at any time ready to top up again.
The top ups are set at a minimum of £10 for cash and £20 for any other means.

Is my unused balance safe?
Yes. The system automatically records the amount of credit held by each member and receipts will be given as requested. The system is constantly backed up so no data is lost.

How do I benefit from EPOS?
The bar will be become more profitable allowing greater investment in the Clubhouse over a period of time.
You will pay members prices – others will pay visitors prices.
Happy hour prices from 4 – 6 Monday to Thursday and 4 – 7 on Friday will remain but will only be available to members.

What if I lose my card?
There will be a £5 nominal fee for a new card to be issued
Your balance is safe – it will be transferred to your new card

What happens if I don’t renew my membership?

Quite simple – just come and drink the balance on your card.
Any remaining balance three months after your membership lapses will be “swept” and go towards club development.

What if I forget my card when visiting the club?

You will have to pay non member prices!
We will offer a service whereby you can keep your card behind the bar but it will be at your own risk.

When and how does this all start?
The tills have already been installed.
The membership cards are being printed.
Individual sections will distribute the cards to existing members over the next few weeks.
The cards can be pre-loaded AT THAT STAGE.
Rugby and Squash memberships are due on 1st September for all renewing members.
On Thursday 17th September the prices at the bar will all be increased to current Function Room prices.
At the same time all Rugby and Squash members who have renewed their membership and all Cricket members who are paid up will have their cards activated to obtain members discount which is set at the existing prices.

If you have paid your membership you will only pay EXACTLY what you are paying at present.
Members who pay by 14th September will be activated for the 17th.

Further reading