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Milfords Vision and Values for the 2015 season

Milfords Vision and Values for the 2015 season

Milford Marlins19 Feb 2014 - 12:43
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With the exciting new season almost upon us, heres a little reminder of the vision and values as set out by the Milford Rugby Club....

The purpose of the rugby club is to create an environment where people want to come participate whether it be playing, officiating, coaching and supporting in the sport of rugby league.

All people associated with the club, come on a voluntary basis and come because they want to. The club appreciates these people as without people the teams would not survive.

An aim of the club is to continuously develop and improve all players, coaches, volunteers etc, all in line with RFL approved courses, CRB checks and relevant accreditation's.

Rugby League is a fantastic, yet tough sport for all of us to enjoy. Lets all remember our club values and embrace it, win, lose or draw...

The club expects code of conducts to be followed for players, coaches and supporters.

The club will not tolerate any breach of the code of conduct and will deal with all breaches immediately and appropriately. For example, maximum punishments will be sought for players fighting, swearing etc whilst on or off the field of play.

Whether at home or visiting other teams we take our club values with us..

The club fully supports the RL RESPECT campaign, which is designed for all rugby clubs to improve the experience for everyone involved whilst enjoying a game of rugby league.

Rugby League is uniquely famous for being known as a family sport and Milford fully endorse this.

Rugby League is largely based upon personal opinions of players, coaches, match officials and supporters. Bearing this in mind, please control all personal frustrations and, if required, channel appropriately.

Foul language or unsporting behavior is not tolerated in any capacity.

For those people that cannot abide by our clubs vision and values, perhaps this is not the club for you...

For those people that can buy in, we look forward to your continued support and positive contribution towards your club..

Further reading