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A thank you from the President on President's Day

A thank you from the President on President's Day

Kevin Nave22 Apr 2017 - 10:55
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My last game today as El Presidente as I have decided to step down after 6 years or so and let someone else take on the mantle.

It has been a honour to hold this post and I would like to express very grateful thanks to those who have supported me through thick and thin together with the odd Hissy Fit - especially Stephen Betts !!. Be assured my heart and soul still very much belongs to the club and to you all involved.

However , I will still continue to write match reports etc and to start the process of raising money and finding sponsors as we strive to build our clubhouse -We are still awaiting finalisation of the lease from the legal advisers to the Parish Council - we are pursuing this vigorously and we expect them to comply as soon as possible as this delay is frustrating despite the need to complete this transaction sooner rather than later.

I will also continue to hold the annual Remembrance Day drinks after we have laid a wreath at the War Memorial on behalf of the Club in my new capacity as Immediate Past President . A very important annual event .

Anyway today is a thank you to all those who play for Mistley RUFC and to everyone involved in whatever shape or form with the club.Thank you to every one of you who have worked so hard to make Mistley such a thriving and good spirited club.

Kick off is at 1 pm and everyone is most welcome . The game is sponsored by Lawford Service Station purveyors of fine cars !!

Afterwards , there is a presentation from the RFU for our re accreditation award and then to the Anchor for a sumptuous feast from Debbie. I would also like to express my thanks to her ,Tom and Janet for keeping us exceptionally well fed and watered over the season

I would also like to welcome all our guests who are coming and it should be a cracking good afternoon

Finally , we have our award ceremony later on which our Capitano Nick Graves will hand out. I await in anticipation to hear of the recipient to The Big Blouse of the Year Award - will DJ win it for the 10th year running !!

Onwards and Upwards

Viva Mistley RUFC Viva El Marauders

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