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Plans for Season 2017-18

Plans for Season 2017-18

Caroline Campbell9 Apr 2017 - 18:46
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YOUR club needs you.

As we come to the end of another successful season for Montrose Junior Rugby we are looking to get plans in place for next season 2017-18. We are really lucky to have so many players and the numbers continue to grow. This is in line with the club’s mission to provide a fun, encouraging and safe environment for everyone to develop a life-long love of the sport of rugby.

We have great volunteers and to maintain progress we could still do with more help. Looking forward, we would appreciate support in the following areas.

Coaching and squad support
As we look to continue to implement the ‘Montrose Way’ for our players, based on the Scottish Rugby Blueprint, we need a broad range of coaches and help with squads from P1 up to U18. You don’t have to bring a lot of experience as there will be support and guidance. We also provide access to training (including UKCC level 1 and 2), continuous development and online resources to help you develop. Prior experience of playing rugby is not essential but we do ask for enthusiasm and a willingness to work as part of team.

All prospective coaches are asked to fill in an application form. We also need our coaches to complete the Scottish Rugby mandatory training, which is online and takes less than half an hour, each year. We also ask that coaches complete a PVG check, which is coordinated by our Child Protection Officer.

It is recognised that we all have busy lives so it is OK if you can’t make every week. As long as we have notice, we can (and do) work around different work patterns.

We will be holding an introduction to coaching workshop towards the end of May or beginning of June for anyone that’s interested in supporting the coaching teams. This will be run by Stewart Ross the Angus Rugby Development Officer. To find out more, to try working with a group or to book a place on the coaching workshop, please email me.

Squad Managers
We are proposing that each squad will have a squad manager next season. Their focus will be on logistics and communication to allow the coaches to concentrate on coaching.
If you feel you can help with the a particular squad by confirming numbers for fixtures, sorting strips and equipment, keeping registers, collecting subs and welcoming new players and families, please get in touch.
A PVG check will be arranged by our Child Protection Officer for our squad managers.

Refereeing and Game Coaching
To keep our players safe and to ensure the games are played in the spirit we intend, we need to have a range of game coaches and referees. Our focus is on safety then fairness then the laws. This means that you don’t need to know every detail before you start refereeing or game coaching. We can provide you with a lot of support, training and a whistle.

Referees need to be 16 years old and a PVG check will be arranged by our Child Protection Officer. Be assured that the focus of referees and game coaches from micros to U18 is on letting the players play and to create a safe and fun environment for everyone.

Whether you are just looking to keep fit or you want to be the next Nigel Owens, it would be great to have you involved. For those that want to take refereeing more seriously, we can introduce you to the Midlands Referee Society (if only for the free kit!). It is worth noting that Montrose member, Sam Grove-White, was refereeing S1/2 matches at Union Park just 6 years ago. Last weekend, he refereed the final of the Hong Kong 7s!

Clubhouse Catering
The coffees and bacon rolls on a Sunday are a real highlight of our club. Also, visiting clubs always comment of the friendly welcome they get when they come to Union Park. Next season, we are proposing that each squad (families, carers and friends) will be responsible for the running and manning of the Sunday kitchen on a monthly rota basis. It will be your kitchen for the month (training and matches) and you can run it as you would like to. We can arrange food hygiene certificates, where required.

We are looking for someone to coordinate this across the whole club . Please let me know if you would be willing to do this or you know someone who would.

Clubhouse Development
There are always jobs to be done around the clubhouse. Whether you have DIY skills, you like to paint or you would like to do stuff outside, please let me know. We would really appreciate any support to maintain and develop the clubhouse.

We are looking to employ a clubhouse cleaner for 3 hours a week. If you would be willing to do this or know someone who would please ask them to contact me.

A big thank you goes to our current volunteers and we are looking forward to many more joining the team. PLEASE get in touch by email, phone (07932 045480) or catch me at training on a Tuesday or Sunday. Alternatively, please speak to any of the committee. We recognise that everyone is busy but if everyone helps, it will reduce the load for everyone involved. We really need your help.

Thanks for taking the time to read this email and I hope you feel you will be able to support us to continue to build what is an amazing club. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to get in touch with me or any Committee Member.



Further reading