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First Picture of New England Head Coach

First Picture of New England Head Coach

Jez Stevenson28 May 2015 - 08:48
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Aussie will oversee all forms of England international cricket and advise on team barbies.

The new head coach of the England cricket team has been revealed. According to the Director of English Cricket Andrew Strauss he 'comes from a land down under, where beer flows and men plunder. Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder. You better run, you better take cover."

Helpful translations of Aussie phrases new England coach may use:

He's as full as a centipede's sock drawer - Mike Gatting

Face like a dropped pie - Geoff Boycott

He's gone off like a frog in a sock - Ben Stokes losing it

I need him like a third armpit - Kevin Pietersen

Hope his chooks turn into emus and kick his dunny door down - Peter Andre.

Further reading