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Presentation Evening and jumpers...

Presentation Evening and jumpers...

Craig Astley18 Feb 2015 - 14:55
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Please find below information regarding presentation evening and jumpers.

Presentation Evening

Presentation evening will be held at Neath town hall on Friday 8th May 7pm until 12pm.

Each player will be allocated 5 tickets which includes 1 free ticket for themselves and 4 tickets at £5 each.

Extra tickets will be allocated upon sale of bundles first.

We are hoping to do the same as he tie presentation in regards to food with all players being allocated an item to bring.

Also any raffle prizes that you can get your hands on will be of great help.

We have lined up some excellent guests so hope to see everyone for an excellent night.


As discussed in recent games Connor's father is organising jumpers for the players to wear along with their shirt and ties. If you do want one of these and haven't yet ordered please contact him on 07975 874406.

Hope your all having a fantastic half term.


Further reading