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March 2014 Meeting

March 2014 Meeting

Bob Hamshare26 Mar 2014 - 09:01
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Minutes of the NAG Jfc March 2014 Managers Meeting



PRESENT: Bob Hamshare, Rosemary Powell, Dave Hall, John Leighton, Paul Gregory, Ben & Tara Thompson, Robin Mogridge, Dave Ryan, Andy Larcombe, Ryan Nicklin, Mark Wiszx & Lee Spong


APOLOGIES: Tony Banham & Garry Court

Read and approved


Meeting opened 7.45 pm

Chairman’s Report

The chairman thanked everybody who had attended the meeting, t6he first to be held at this venue. The Chairman congratulated the U11 & U14 squads for reaching cup semi-finals and, although they were both beaten, they had done extremely well. The U15 girls have a semi-final on 06.April 2014. The Chairman stated that the playing season was progressing well after the poor weather and that nearly all teams are in the upper half of their respective divisions.

Treasurer’s Report

Rosemary reported that the balance as of the last statement stood at £**** and that there was only one outstanding payment to be deducted, £20.00 fine for the KCFA. The financial position was on par with the situation at this time last year. Rosemary told the meeting that most squads were up to date with their subscriptions.

Barclay account: £*****

Social Secretary’s Report

A general discussion took place regarding the possible location of a new suitable venue that the club could use as an alternative to the Sportsclub. The President, Robin M. felt that we should serious think about still using the Sportsclub, if only for functions only. The meeting agreed to discuss the situation in any other business.

Secretary’s Report

Bob H reported the current MMYL minutes to the meeting and he detailed points which were relevant to our club. Again we incurred no fines from the MMYL or KGL & L. However there were a couple of fines issued by KCFA. Bob congratulated the U7 squad on their first ever victory. Bob told the meeting that the situation with the use of the containers at the Sportsclub needed to be addressed. He suggested, because of the break-up with the Sportsclub that we should start using our own container. This would require ALL squads to be more diligent with looking after our equipment. He added that at some stage we would need to discuss whether or not we would take down and store all the items at present still on display in Barts Bar, including the TV monitor which at present is still being used by the Sportsclub. Bob told the meeting that we had paid our annual subscription for the use of the sports field/changing rooms. We have done this despite the fact that on other club using these facilities has paid this season; in fact, we understand the Rugby club have not contributed for a number of seasons.
Bob told the meeting that the U14 girls team had withdrawn from the league owing to a lack of players. However it was reported that their manager Garry Court, intend to stay with our club for next season
Bob reported that the club had ‘passed’ the latest KCFA ‘health-check’ although we need to be aware that there were some changes in member’s CRB checks

Other Business
There was along discussion about the future venues that the club should use to hold our various functions, including presentation night. Tara suggested using the NAG Village Hall. Robin queried the fact that by using venues other than the Sportsclub would involve payment so the club must be aware of additional costs. Bob H told the meeting that tin the recent past the club had not really had enough support from the younger teams (meaning the players parents). It was agreed that the future of the club lay in the younger members and their parents. Bob and others outlined the reason behind the fact that our club no longer felt that we could patronise the Sportsclub as it was the choice of NASPL directions to close the bar which was used by the football members.
The Chairman said that he would approach the club management and see what the position was regarding use the function hall bar for our events. He is to report back to the committee as there was no real agreement as to what was best for our club.
In the meanwhile the presentation event was put back to be held early in June 2014.

Meeting closed at 9.20 pm
Next meeting: T.B.A.

Further reading