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Invitation to Extraordinary General Meeting

Invitation to Extraordinary General Meeting

Karen Lamb25 May 2017 - 11:10
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Extraordinary General Meeting of Newport (Salop) RUFC will be held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 7th June 2017

24th May 2017

To all members, players and supporters

Invitation to Extraordinary General Meeting

As many of you will already know we have been negotiating with the Agricultural Society to extend our lease which expires in 2029. We started the process in 2015 however because of legal issues, fulfilling the requirements of the Charity Commissioners, the RFU, Sport England and our own needs we are only now in a position to present what we feel is a proposal which will satisfy all parties.

The basis of this offer is a 99 year lease for which we will paying £200,000. We will hope to get grants and an RFU loan towards this, but will have to raise a considerable amount ourselves, as we have done previously for the extension.

Because of the importance of this to the long-term future of the club we want everyone to understand the terms of the lease and the financial implications involved and are calling an EGM where members can ask questions, voice their opinions and vote on the package.

The constitution demands that the decision is made by a vote of full members, however all mini and junior parents are invited and their opinions welcomed, as this decision has a greater effect on the younger players continuing their sport at Newport than it does to those of us who are just hoping to see out the current lease.

Can I encourage as many members as possible to attend this presentation as it is the most important decision we will have to make for the club.

Steve Murphy Chairman Newport (Salop) RUFC

Further reading