Membership Subscriptions


Please register using the online registration form on this website that you would have prompted to complete when you logged in. To find this again, please click your photo in the top right corner, select your account, then membership info.

Our tiered membership is outlined below but if you are unsure, please speak to Sarah Rendall, our Club Treasurer, at training or find her contact details on the contact page.

Payments can be made in cash, by cheque (made payable to Newquay Hockey Club) or via BACS (details can be obtained upon request from Sarah too).

A Senior Member is aged 18 and over on the 1st September. They are entitled to play and train; although playing is not guaranteed as playing is determined by the selection policy. They are covered by the Club’s insurance.

A Junior Member is aged over 9 and is 17 and under on the 1st September. They are entitled to play and train; although playing is not guaranteed as playing is determined by the selection policy and EHB rules. They are covered by the Club’s insurance.

MEMBERSHIP FEES should be paid on or before the 30th September at the start of the hockey season, failure to do so will incur a £10 penalty.

TIER 1 MEMBERSHIP FEES (18 & over on 1st Sept 2023) - £100
Tier 1 is applicable to regular 1st XI players who are 18 and over.

TIER 2 MEMBERSHIP FEES (18 & over on 1st Sept 2023) - £80
Tier 2 is applicable to regular 2nd XI players who are 18 and over.

TIER 3 MEMBERSHIP FEES (18 & over on 1st Sept 2023) - £40
Tier 2 is applicable to regular 2nd XI players who are 18 and over.

TIER 4 MEMBERSHIP FEES (Students 16 & over before 1st Sept 2023) - £60
Tier 4 is applicable to regular 1st and 2nd XI players who are under 18.

TIER 5 MEMBERSHIP FEES (Under 16) - £40
Tier 5 is applicable to regular players who are under 16.

TIER 6 / SOCIAL MEMBERSHIP FEES (18 & over on 1st Sept 2023) - £40
Tier 4 is for social members - members who only train and do not play at all.

£12.00 / Match
In addition to Membership Fees, Match Fees are charged at each game but include the cost of training for the following week.

Players interested in becoming a member are entitled to 2 x FREE training sessions. On the third training session, one of the above memberships must be paid. They will be informed that they are not covered by the Club’s insurance until they have paid their membership fee.
Players who are only training, but not playing Matches (e.g. have not paid a Match Fee the week before) can pay per training session.

More information regarding training locations, costs etc can be found here.