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Statement from the Committee re: Child Welfare & Safeguarding

Statement from the Committee re: Child Welfare & Safeguarding

Ben Logan1 Dec 2016 - 18:56
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The Committee of Newton Storm has been saddened and appalled by the recent revelations regarding allegations of historical sexual abuse within youth football. It is a sad reality that, unfortunately, these recent allegations likely form only some of a larger number of instances where people in a position of trust and power have abused that position for their own gratification, at the expense of vulnerable children across a number of sports including, potentially, our own.

At this time it is natural that, as parents/carers of children participating in the sport of rugby league at Newton Storm, you may have questions over what we do to ensure that your child is given the highest possible standard of care and is safeguarded from harm and abuse.

Throughout the 2016 season, we have been working on reviews and revisions of our safeguarding policies and processes to make them relevant and fit for purpose, led by our Club Welfare & Safeguarding Officer, Ken Hughes. Ken has 25 years experience as a teacher, headteacher and safeguarding lead in educational, vocational and borough wide settings for children and young people. He is supported by a pro-active committee and a network of DBS verified and safeguarding trained coaches and volunteers at team level.

Part of this review has resulted in the adoption of a new Child Protection Policy which can be found on the Welfare and Safeguarding Page of our website. It also helped us ensure that we know where our ‘safeguarding gaps’ are. This covers things like making sure that our ‘single central record’ of coaches and volunteers is up to date, that we know when DBS checks need renewing and RFL safeguarding training is required.

It also highlighted that whilst we can have policies that are deemed to be fit for purpose and volunteers that are trained and verified, the awareness of these issues amongst players, parents, relatives and supporters is just as important in helping us to maintain a safe environment for our young members to play their sport and for their coaches to help them do it.

On 28 January Storm will be holding a ‘Membership Day’. There will be a number of activities taking place on the day but of key importance is that there will be a safeguarding briefing for parents and players from internal and external trainers. We would urge you all to try to get along if possible – more details will be sent out via your team coaches and managers.

We are not scaremongering; we wish to take a common sense approach to a sensitive subject that never seems far from the public gaze these days. We admire the bravery of the men who have come forward recently after decades of having to live with the horrors of the abuse they have suffered.

Whilst we know that at Storm we have a highly professional and dedicated set of coaches, loyal and supportive parents and above all talented and inspirational youngsters who play each week at our club we want to ensure that no one who comes through the Club’s ranks have to suffer the experiences that those boys went through and that you are assured that, as a Club, we are playing our part in that.

There is no place in our Club, our sport or society for those who abuse the vulnerable, impressionable or those who find it difficult to have a voice where their welfare is concerned. We wish to reassure all parents and players that we give the highest regard for safeguarding and player safety and will continue to prioritise this issue.

If you have any concerns, please refer them to any Committee Officer, or specifically the Club Welfare & Safeguarding Officer (Ken Hughes – 07919 593199) or Chairman (Ben Logan - 07729 460017).


Further reading