Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

To help make our football club fun for all, we urge players, parents and coaches to read and respect the following code of conduct.


Football is fun, and is to be enjoyed by everyone – not just the most talented players. We will do our best to encourage and support each other in training and in matches.

We will always do our best when we play football. It’s nice to win, but if we can’t then as long as we have had fun and done our best, it doesn’t matter.

We listen to our coaches and do as we are asked. We never argue with our coaches, each other, with referees or opponents. Just because we sometimes see professional footballers do this on TV, it doesn't make it right.

We play fair, always. Even if the other team doesn’t.

If our opponents play well, then we always say well done. If we beat them, we always say well done too.


We bring our children to training and matches on time, and properly equipped.

We support the coaches as much as we can in running the club, and support their decisions.

We take responsibility for ensuring that our own child's medical or other special needs are adequately understood and overseen at club events including training and matches.

We resist coaching the players from the touchlines.

We encourage and support our players, but we don’t shout and scream. We do not want to intimidate children.

We remain within the marked spectator areas in line with FA Respect guidelines.

We show respect to referees and opponents, and make sure that they enjoy games with Northleach Junior Football Club.


We give everyone a go – grass roots football is about participation and enjoyment, not just victory.

We make sure it’s fun – always.

We ensure that every child, regardless of ability, experience, sex or race receives the same attention, development and encouragement.

We communicate promptly and clearly with players and parents about dates, fixtures and events.

We show respect to opposing coaches and players – and encourage and congratulate the players of other teams as well as our own.

We stay aware of FA, League and NJFC guidelines and policies to ensure they are fairly and consistently applied at all times.