England Rugby / OEs - Club Accreditation Policies 8 of 11

8. Key Matchday First Aid details

Eltham College Emergency Details

At Eltham College the Emergency vehicle access is straight from the Car Park to the right alongside the school - please ensure the Car Park attendants keep this clear. If there are any issues with access please contact the Groundsman, Dennis Gibert and Duty First Aider.

Eltham College Marathon Ground
Grove Park Road


(To be given to the person monitoring the concussed child)

This child has received an injury to the head. A first aider has examined your child and no sign of any serious complications has been found. It is expected that recovery will be rapid, but the child will need monitoring for the next 24 hours by a responsible adult.

If you notice any change in behaviour, vomiting, dizziness, worsening headache, double vision or excessive drowsiness, please call an ambulance to transport the child to hospital immediately.

other important points to consider:
• Following concussion, the child should rest for at least 24 hours.
• The child should avoid any computer, internet or electronic gaming activity, if these activities make symptoms worse.
• The child should not be given any medications, including pain killers, unless prescribed by a medical practitioner.
• The child must not return to school until medically cleared.
• The child must not return to sport or play until medically cleared.
Child’s name:
Date / time of injury:Date/time of review by first aider/coach:

The First Aid Duty Manager is not, necessarily, responsible for delivery of first aid or medical care at the same time. Their role is to help ensure that age groups on the day have appropriate First Aid cover and, for example, to ensure there is appropriate access for Emergency Vehicles should the need arise.


• Full reports will be sent to the RFU in the event of an overnight hospitalisation or death, please liaise with Mirelle Cassidy and Matthew Watkins for further information in the event that this situation should arise.

• First aider attending an incident should report all injuries/accidents, if it necessitates the child being removed from the pitch for the remainder of a game or training session. It will require an accident form to be filled out and returned to Marc Fisher
• If a child is removed from the pitch for any length of time the parents/carers must be informed by the first aider treating the injury and follow up with the family within 24 hours.


Marathon Ground now has a defibrillator located in the cafeteria should it be needed.

Please contact Marc Fisher for any queries:
Email: fish@marlinfisher.co.uk
Mobile: 07887 592 567