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Old Grovians Shake Up the Coaching Structure

Old Grovians Shake Up the Coaching Structure

Ben Brown14 Dec 2018 - 16:47
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Thank You Dan & Welcome Andy

Saturday's game at Ripon saw a big change in our coaching personnel with Dan Nulty
finishing his final game as Head Coach as Andy Hinchcliffe takes over
and Dan continues to assist him.

We did not want this to pass without saying a HUGE thanks to Dan who has,
over the last three seasons, played a massive part in keeping our team
competitive and safe in an extremely tough Yorkshire Division 2! In that time he
has performed miracles and pulled many rabbits out of his hat, using his
immense popularity to grab favours, often when a team looked unlikely for
a given Saturday.

This reflects on what huge respect he has had from all
the players and members alike to make sure that we had a competitive
side on the field. You all know that at times this has been a thankless
task and many would have become frustrated long ago, so I think that
this is a tribute not only to his skill as a coach but his immense
patience and good nature in dogging it out in such an amazing fashion.
I for one would like to thank him for a superb effort especially
after being left on his own several years ago.

I'm sure you will all join me in thanking him and wishing all the best as he has a bit of a break and enjoys his family for a while. Dan will I hope continue to help our
team in the future and has our very best wishes!

Due to this decision, it is with great pleasure that I announce the arrival of Andy Hinchliffe as Head Coach. Andy joins us from Ilkley Rugby Club where he has gained vast experience of playing at very high standard and more recently coaching senior players and colts alike - it will be these experience that we hope Andy brings to Old Grovians to push us on to the next stage of our journey.

It all starts for Andy at home to Roundhegians this Saturday @ 2:15pm - let's have a good home crowd turning out to welcome Andy to the club along with a big win from the lads before the Xmas break!

Dave Garforth

Further reading