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Players Charter

Players Charter

Tom Sprott17 Jul 2014 - 22:25
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Commitment to training

I spoke with Wardy about training last night and the Players Charter that was drawn up 3 years ago.

Numbers have been good with 4-5 new faces down. I also applaud the efforts of 'the regulars' who are forming the back bone of the 2015/2015 1st XV. it is evident that the lads who did the Strongman training and do extra beyond the Monday and Thursdays sessions are head and shoulders ahead of the rest in terms of fitness.

There are also numerous players who would consider themselves '1st XV players' who have yet to show up or have been just once in the last 6 pre season sessions. Could I draw your attention to point 4 in the charter and ask for a bit more co-operation. Considering the amount of texts that Clinton and I send out each week - a short reply if you are unable to train is not a great deal to ask.

Only lads that train will play in the 1st XV. Whether we agree with this or not - that is mine and Wardy's philosophy and wont be changing.

Team spirit and morale is built on the training pitch. Every session that someone doesn't bother to turn up without letting anyone know, just erodes the efforts of the others who have made the effort to get down and work hard. There is no middle ground in terms of commitment to the 1st XV - you are either in or out. If you are no longer 'in' - please have the courtesy to let me know.

Players Charter

1. If you sign up to play for the 1st XV in August you are committing yourself for the entire season’s campaign. Only in exceptional circumstances, or as a result of injury, should players leave the club mid-way through a season.

2. If you are injured during the season you should try and support the team in some capacity on some Saturday afternoons and/or at training.

3. If you are a regular 1st XV player, it is assumed you are available for the 1st XV on the following Saturday unless you inform the Captain/Coach otherwise by Wednesday night. The emphasis is on the players to inform the Coach NOT for the Coach to chase the players.

4. To be considered for regular 1st XV rugby you should make yourself available for training whenever possible. Some players do not train and can be called upon to cover injured players in the 1st XV. That is perfectly fine and much appreciated. However, players aiming to play 1st XV every week need to be training as often as possible. If you are unable to train, please inform the Captain/Coach.

Further reading