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Subs & Signing on Night

Subs & Signing on Night

Rob Young17 Jul 2015 - 16:16
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Thursday 13th August at the Cricket Club 9pm

As with last year we will be holding a members signing on night at the club to give new players the chance to meet current players and members away from the training pitch, and allow current members to pay their annual subs of £35 (or £10 social membership).

This year we will be issuing membership cards with a number which will be entered into a weekly draw for a free drink. This will be drawn each Friday and announced on the website so members can come collect their drink and watch the club in action on the following Saturday. No, subs, no card, no free beer!!

New players have free subs for their first season with the club.

As discussed at the AGM, if a player gains £50 of sponsorship they will be given a 50% discount on their subs, sponsorship in excess of £100 will earn free membership for the year. (See the document attached for sponsor packages, or speak to Jonny Banks.)

As an extra benefit of membership, members will have access to "Jim's Gym" located behind the Ossett Albion changing rooms in exchange for a £1 donation per session.

If anyone has any questions, or ideas please feel free to mention them to me, or another committee member.


Sponsor Packages

Further reading